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Postgres is able to check password against an entreprise directory using the LDAP protocol out of the box. ldap2pg automates the creation, update and removal of PostgreSQL roles and users based on entreprise organigram described in the directory.

Managing roles is close to managing privileges as you expect roles to have proper default privileges. ldap2pg can grant and revoke privileges too.

Project goals include stability, portability, high configurability and nice user experience.



  • Reads settings from an expressive YAML config file.
  • Creates, alters and drops PostgreSQL roles from LDAP searches.
  • Creates static roles from YAML to complete LDAP entries.
  • Manages role members (alias groups).
  • Grants or revokes privileges statically or from LDAP entries.
  • Dry run, check mode.
  • Logs LDAP searches as ldapsearch(1) commands.
  • Logs every SQL query.


ldap2pg requires Python 2.6+ or 3+, pyyaml, python-ldap and psycopg2.

The universal installation method is to download from PyPI using pip. Other methods and more details are described in this documentation.

# apt install -y libldap2-dev libsasl2-dev
# pip install ldap2pg psycopg2-binary

ldap2pg is licensed under PostgreSQL license. ldap2pg is available with the help of wonderful people, jump to contributors list to see them.

ldap2pg requires a configuration file called ldap2pg.yaml. The dumb but tested ldap2pg.yml is a good way to start.

# curl -LO
# editor ldap2pg.yml

Finally, it’s up to you to use ldap2pg in a crontab or a playbook. Have fun!


This documentation includes a cookbook with many recipes for common deployment pattern. If you hit a bug or didn’t found what you need in documentation, drop an issue on GitHub!

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