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Using ldap2pg as a Python API

ldap2pg Python package exposes a simple API to execute ldap2pg business code from you own Python script.

from textwrap import dedent
from ldap2pg import synchronize, UserError

    - role:
        name: myrole
except UserError as e:
    logger.error("%s", e)


def synchronize(config, environ=None, argv=None):

Synchronizes a Postgres cluster from an LDAP directory according to the configuration described in config.

config is either a raw YAML document or a Python dict following ldap2pg YAML format.

environ is a dict allowing to override os.environ. Likewise, argv is a list of strings overriding sys.argv. argv is passed as-is to argparse.ArgumentParser.parse_args().

synchronize() returns 0 on success or raises ldap2pg.UserError on failure. If config['check'] is True, synchronize() returns the number of queries generated to synchronize the Postgres cluster.

Any exception other than ldap2pg.UserError is an unhandled error and should be reported as a bug upstream.


class UserError:

Represents an error in environment, configuration or runtime. Attribute exit_code suggests a UNIX process exit code.


synchronize() does not modify logging configuration. All configurations options relative to logging are useless when using API. However, ldap2pg makes heavy usage of logging.

ldap2pg adds a custom logging level named CHANGE which is just above INFO level. At import time, ldap2pg register this logging level. logging default logger class is respected and preserved.

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